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Business Talk 24-7

Posting Your Show/Blog to the Business RadioXTM Site

After you have completed your show, the interview audio file will be uploaded to the ftp site (or some other website) within ______minutes/hours/days of your show. Once the audio file has been uploaded you will need to format the text portion of the post. The text portion of your blog post is the part that most easily picked up by search engines.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Go to ___________________________________________________

Login: _______________________________________________

Password: ____________________________________________

  • Once in WordPress site, go to the Dashboard (it should open to this page when you log in)
  • In the left margin menus you will Posts, select Add New.

To add a new post –

  1. Enter the title of the show
  2. To insert/link the audio file, you will need to Upload/Insert the file.
  • Select the music icon.
  • This will open the Add Audio window.
  • Select Media Library. This display a list of media (audio) files available. The files will be labeled with the show date(s).
  • Select the proper file and select Show.
  • If you would like to add a caption or description to the file, enter the proper information now.
  • Once this is complete, select Insert into Post
    A note about inserting the audio file:


    If you would like to place it in the beginning of the text, you will insert it before placing text in the post text box. However, if you would like it to appear at the end of the post text, you will need to insert it after you have created the post text.

  • Enter the post text.
    • If you are copying and pasting the text from a Word document, you will need to copy the text and paste it into Notepad.
    • Copy the text from Notepad.
    • To paste it into the blog post, select Paste from Word
    • This process is necessary to remove all formatting from the text. To make it easier, simply place all of your text into Notepad and you can eliminate most of the above steps.
  • If you are including an image, you will insert it with the post text. Select the picture icon. The image window will appear.
    • If you have the file saved on your computer, you will select file you would like to include.
    • If the file resides on the web, you will need to go to the website and right click on the image to copy to image URL.
    • If you would like the text to wrap the image, you will select left, right, or center. These options are for the side that you would like the image to be displayed.
  • Select Publish
  • Select Preview to view the Post.
    From this location you can make sure the picture shows up properly and the links work correctly.
  • Log off