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Business Talk 24-7


Creating and distributing a press release to make sure that people know your show is on the air is one the greatest marketing tools that you can use. View a sample press release in the appendix.
Use the following list of information to capture the necessary details to compose a press release about your new show.

  • Show Name:
  • Show Description:
  • Broadcast Day and Time:
  • Weekly or Monthly?
  • Show Hosts:
  • Show Sponsor (if appropriate):
  • Target Audience Profile (job title or role and industry):
  • Typical Show Content (describe guests, format and typical conversations):
  • Why Are You Doing the Show (Something we can quote):
  • Bios for Show Hosts (attach or provide link). If hosts do not have bio, please detail current job title and firm, description of products or services provided by the firm, job responsibilities, years industry experience, educational background, any awards, honors or publishing recognition.
  • Boilerplate for firm sponsoring the show. This is the “About” copy that your firm uses at the end of their press releases. If you do not have a boilerplate, please write 100 words about what your company does. If you prefer not to feature your firm in the release, we will craft a boilerplate using the bio information provided.
  • First Show Date:

Below is a partial list of news wire sites that can be used to distribute your release and allow your prospective guests, prospects, and listeners to know more about you and when you are on the air. News wires post your release to their site and share with their subscribers.
Pitch Engine –
I-Newswire –
Free Press Release –
Media Syndicate –
Free Press Release Center – –
PR Leap – –

This is only a partial list of resources. You may find that other sites work better for you and your target audience. Please do not feel that you must use only these sites.


In addition to putting on the wire, you may consider distributing your release directly to local media outlets. View this list of popular Atlanta business media and their contact information in the appendix.