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Business Talk 24-7

About Your Show

Program Name:

  • ________________________________________ is focused on _________________________ as a competitive advantage.

General Description:

  • Each show is a 30-45 minute weekly radio program to present and discuss the value of ___________ as it relates to your business.

Program Objectives:

  • To enhance your reputation as the expert your field.
  • To serve as a marketing tool in increasing prospects and sales opportunities through invitations to listen and participate as a guest.
  • To serve as a public relations opportunity for our present clients in the sharing of new initiatives and ideas.

Target Audience:

  • You are inviting your prospects to appear on your show and talk about their two favorite subjects: themselves and their business.
  • This creates an easy and comfortable working relationship.
  • The show will be available in podcast format on

Additional Considerations –

  • Who do you want to be listening to your show?
  • How will you reach this audience?
  • How can you best leverage your guest to better reach your target?


  • The show will feature 1-3 guests each week.
  • Each interviewed guest will be selected due to their likelihood to better position you as an expert in your field or because there are a strong prospect for your business.

Additional Considerations –

  • Five to ten minute segment covering industry related news, people, policies, companies and other direct impacts on the life and work of your guests.

Conversion and Measure of Success:

Client development progress from the radio show will be measured by the following criteria –

  • Increased number of relationships with targeted prospects and/or gate-openers before, during, and after the show.
  • Increased number of touch-points to build rapport with guests (prospects) before, during, and after the show.
  • Improved search engine optimization of website (host).
  • Increased the perception of professional expertise.
  • Creation of relevant, targeted internet audio, and web content.